At Evansville Auto Repair in Evansville, IN, we know that transmissions are witchcraft to most people. More often than not, if major damage has occurred, it’s a lot more time and cost effective to just replace the entire unit and get a fresh start. Here’s what to look out for, from Evansville Auto Repair in Evansville, IN.
If you spend much time on the road, you’ll eventually encounter a flat tire on your vehicle. At Evansville Auto Repair in Evansville, IN we want to prepare you for what you should do next.
If there’s an issue with your diesel fuel system, the most important thing to remember is to fix it sooner rather than later. With gas engines, you can often power through a fuel issue for quite some time - they’re irritating, but not often permanently damaging.
If you’re running a truck (or trucks) without an auxiliary oil cooler, it may be something you want to consider. Here’s some information on auxiliary oil coolers, what they are, and why they’re a great upgrade, from Evansville Auto Repair in Evansville, IN.
Automatic transmissions aren’t easily understood outside of specialists like those at Evansville Auto Repair in Evansville, IN. While it would be impossible to teach you enough to make you a transmission expert in a series of articles, what we can do is give you the fundamental knowledge you need to have a good idea of what your transmission is doing, and how it works.
Brakes are one of the most important components of your vehicle. You need the confidence of knowing that when you press your foot to the brake, your vehicle is going to stop. That's why it's important to keep these tips in mind to help keep your brakes functioning properly. Schedule an appointment with us at Evansville Auto Repair for a brake service checkup today!
Once you’ve got your new tires installed on your diesel truck, you’ll want to keep them in good shape. Tires aren’t difficult to maintain, and maintaining them correctly will dramatically increase their longevity. Inspection and maintenance are the two key components to making sure they last.
At some point or another, we’ve pretty much all dealt with a dead car battery. There’s a good chance you already know how to jump-start your car - if not, don’t worry! Here’s everything you need to know, from Evansville Auto Repair in Evansville, IN.